Best Movies for a Dog Lover’s Night in
Dog people are spoiled for choice when it comes to fun and outdoorsy options to go out and enjoy in Seattle. But the unfortunate reality of living on the Puget Sound is that the rain can ruin the best-laid plans and turn you and your dog into a sopping mess. What’s there to do on a rainy day?
Watching a movie is a time-honored date-night tradition, but with the advent of streaming, new couples can sometimes be overwhelmed by the sheer number of titles available.
Nothing’s worse than falling into an endless loop of asking “What do you want to watch?” only to land back on reruns of the same sitcom you’ve seen a thousand times. Have no fear! We’ve put together a curated list of flicks that will be sure to please both your dog and your date, rain or shine.
1. Dog Days
(2018, director Ken Marino)
photo: imdb.com
Dog Days is a breezy comedy about five dogs in LA and their people’s interconnected lives. The movie depicts five different, overlapping stories about the bond between pets and people, and how dogs improve the lives of those around them. Silly, heartwarming, and occasionally very funny, Dog Days is easy viewing for a date night in. You can find it streaming on Hulu.
2. As Good as It Gets
(1997, director James L. Brooks)
photo: goldenglobes.com
As Good As It Gets is the cinematic equivalent of chocolate cake. Rich, velvety goodness that affirms love, life and the bonds that we form with our furry best friends. Jack Nicholson stars as a misanthropic romance writer who is helped back to society by an adorable dog named Verdell (played by a Brussel’s Griffin named Jill). A multiple Oscar winner, As Good as It Gets is a great film to watch with your pup and a glass of wine. You can find it on Netflix.
3. The Amityville Horror
(1977, director Stuart Rosenberg)
photo: movieposters.com
Based on a not-so-true story, The Amityville Horror will delight horror fans with both two and four legs. The film adapts the controversial book of the same name into an instant horror classic. While a lot of the scares and filmcraft can seem a bit dated, you’ll want to hold your pooch tight during the terrifying finale. Like all of our movies, The Amityville Horror shows that pets are a part of the family and can rescue us as often as we rescue them. Catch it on Hulu.
4. Balto
(1995, director Simon Wells)
photo: imdb.com
Balto is the animated tale of the 1925 dogsled run of Diptheria serum to Nome, Alaska on which the Iditarod race is based. Featuring Kevin Bacon, Bridget Fonda and Bob Hoskins as voice talent, Balto is a fun romp of a movie, with surprisingly gorgeous visuals and a heartwarming story. Out of Stephen Speilberg’s Amblin animation studio, Balto offers a great rainy-day night movie. Available on Netflix.
5. The Lobster
(2015, director Yorgos Lanthimos)
photo: imdb.com
If your tastes run toward the avant-garde, the foreign or the grim, we have not forgotten you. Check out The Lobster, an absurdist black comedy that pokes fun at dating, relationships and what it means to be together. This film requires some serious attention, so make sure to walk the dogs before you start the movie. The Lobster takes place in a dystopian hotel where singles must find a partner or risk turning into an animal. A bold, unapologetic movie, The Lobster will definitely give you and your date something to talk about. Streaming on Netflix.
6. Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
(2005, directors Steve Box & Nick Park)
photo: imdb.com
To round off our list, we have an entry from the stand-out British stop motion movie franchise, Wallace and Gromit. In this flick, inventor Wallace and his mute dog Gromit venture to a sleepy town for their new jobs as exterminators. The delightful claymation makes this a quick, entertaining movie that no one, furry or otherwise, can find fault with. Features Ralph Fiennes, Peter Sallis and Helena Bonham Carter as voice talent. Available on HBONOW.
We just made Seattle winter date planning a whole lot easier, so get on the Wowzer app to connect with other dog lovers and get ready for some seriously quality nights in.